
Showing posts from February, 2022

Masks no longer required

In line with NSW State Government recommendations, masks are now only required for certain high-risk settings, such as travel, hospitals, indoor music festivals and corrections facilities, SO THERE IS NO LONGER A REQUIREMENT FOR YOU TO WEAR A MASK WHILE VISITING THE LIBRARY. However, masks are still encouraged where you cannot maintain a safe distance from staff, volunteers or other patrons. You may choose to wear a mask in the library at any time if you wish.

Home Spun - more live stories from the south east

In Celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, you are invited to join us for an evening of Storytelling and songs by the Women of the South East. 8 March 2022, 6:00pm - Bega Commemorative Civic Centre. Read all about it and book your tickets via the library website.

QR Code Sign in

 In line with State Government recommendations, it is no longer necessary to check-in with the Service NSW app when entering Bega Valley Shire libraries.

Book Bingo Winner Announced!

Congratulations to Eliza from Merimbula, who has won a dinner for two at a restaurant of her choice for 2 people. Eliza participated in our Summer Reading Book Bingo Challenge and was lucky enough to win the major prize. Thanks to everyone who entered and congratulations Eliza!