Farewell Libby, hello Borrowbox eMagazines


The library would like to notify you that we will be saying farewell to Libby (Overdrive), our current provider of eMagazine content on Friday 30 June and moving across to BorrowBox. From 1 July,  you will be unable to access Libby content.

In making this decision, we considered user-friendliness of the product for customers and staff, popularity and customer usage of the content compared with other platforms, as well as reporting capabilities and vendor responsiveness.

If you are a current user of BorrowBox, you will not have to update your existing app in any way, the eMagazine collection will simply show as a format option on the app.

If you do not currently have BorrowBox, the app can be downloaded for free on both Apple and Android devices, your user name is your library member number and password is your eight digit birthdate DDMMYYYY.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our helpful library team if you would like some assistance in making the change. You can contact the library at  library@begavalley.nsw.gov.au or contact your local library branch Bega 6499 2127, Tura Marrang 6499 2340, Eden 6499 2451 or Bermagui 6499 2233
